Thursday, 25 February 2010

Don't blush when I cut you open

Mass crazed clear out ensued last night. I believe most people call it procrastination. I threw masses of shit away, I didn't realise I owned so much useless crap. I did come across many many old magazines that I remember i purposely kept because I'm an image hoarder. I heart eye candy. I admit it! If it looks good, put in a corner/box/drawer/shelve, because I will need it at some point....if I can ever find it. The saddest day of my university career was when 5 of my Face magazines we're cruelly stolen from my studio space, I don't know how I ever recovered to be completely honest. Magazines are my literature and I'm not afraid to admit it. Lula, Dazed and Confused, Nylon, ID, WAD, Grafik...oh the list is endless. My love for The Face will reign FOR ALL TIME....but thats another post all together.

So I found an old issue of Elle that I'd nabbed from my sister that had some amazing images of Courtney Love, I thought I'd lost it but alas there it was! Above is the first stages of what I'm creating with those images. The photograph is very baaaaaad quality but I reckon with a wee bit of tweaking this could work out to be a good image for my magazine cover.

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